
Neurofeedback Therapy


Neurofeedback therapy that helps patients, and peak performers in sports and business to reduce their over-aroused brain, improve their focus, and enhance their attention. This is a scientific, evidence-based, and drug-free treatment. This treatment method is FDA approved for treating ADD/ADHD in the U.S.A.

1. What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a safe, non-invasive training technique for enhancing brain wave patterns. Unlike drugs, nothing is put into the patient's body or brain. This form of training does not push a patient into alternate mental states or functions. The training is very gentle, forceless, and painless.

2. What are the Benefits?

The essence of neurofeedback is self-regulation of neuroplasticity, or in other words teaching the brain to regulate itself. Training is a process of undoing limiting mental habits that are no longer useful. Because nothing is being put into the body or brain, there are no side effects. Many patients report experiencing increased focus, relief, happiness, & freedom from medication.

3. What is A Typical Neurofeedback Session?

During each 45 minute session, a patient will sit relaxed in a chair. Sensors are placed on the patient's scalp to measure brainwave signals, and these signals are instantly transmitted to a computer with a special software that amplifies and analyses the data. The computer allows the patient to listen to music as a form of auditory feedback while he/she watches for graphics for visual feedback, watches a movie, or plays video games. If the patient is able to regulate the brain waves correctly so that they correlate with attention and arousal, the graphics and audio will remain uninterrupted; while large deviations will cause a momentary pause in the game or image watched. The patient's brain responds to this feedback and moves towards more adaptive and flexible functioning (neuroplasticity), especially if there is any change or removal of feedback. During the course of repeated sessions, typically 10 to 20 - depending on the patient's stage of brain wave neuroplasticity - , the patient will change his brain patterns to improve attention, focus, energy, and increase his ability to respond effectively under stress and pressure.

In other words, neurofeedback is a methodology that can make an objective statement about a person's mental health status by measuring his/her brain activity. Physiological processes that are otherwise hidden are made perceptible. Feedback of one's own brain flow pattern in real time enables better self-regulation to be achieved in training sessions.

Please feel free to contact Dr. Otzen of the Mind&Body Performance Center of the Institute for Neurofeedback and Biofeedback, so you can share more information with us and we can answer any questions you may have.